Important Points

1.    Purchase from TVCShop     MUST provide veterinary  prescription letter with issuing date within three months.
        The name or phone number in the prescription letter must be same as the purchase order delivery address.

        For the health of your pets, please be disciplined not to submit prescription letter of other pets.


2.    It  would take seven working days  from    placing  the order    to receiving the drugs.

        Please pay only after received email/SMS/WhatsApp from TVCShop that your order is approved.


3.   TVCShop would not provide the details of prescription drugs.    Main reason is that customers MUST buy according to the prescription letter from Veterinary Clinic and should not decide to buy by himself/herself according to the drugs description...etc.


4.   For clients of  TheVetCentre, you can also use 【配藥到取】 in  to place your request.